The Cardiovascular System
A good transition away from the movement-centered units of the skeletal system and muscular system is blood and circulation. The cardiovascular system connects the rest of the body systems by providing oxygen and nutrients, while simutaneously removing waste products. This unit covers blood, arteries and veins, and the anatomy of the heart.
Cardiovascular Lecture Powerpoint
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Purpose: This Powerpoint lecture begins with an overview of all the components of blood, from the cells to plasma. Blood disorders are covered, in addition to the importance of blood type matching for transfusion. Next is the anatomy of the heart. Students will trace the flow of blood as it enters the heart, is pumped to the lungs for oxygenation, returned to the heart, then eventually pumped back out the aorta. Finally, some differences between adult and fetal circulation are covered.
Essential Concepts: Red blood cells, white blood cells, anemia, blood typing, heart anatomy, pulmonary circulation, heart rhythm, EKG, fetal circulation.
Circulatory System Student Notes Outline
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Purpose: Taking efficient notes can be a big challenge for many students, especially when working from a Powerpoint lecture. This outline gives students a means to take notes that guides them toward important concepts and avoids the pitfalls of writing word-for-word or simply not taking notes at all. The outline lays out each of the key concepts, ideas, and blank diagrams that students are expected to learn. They fill in the missing details as the lecture proceeds.
Essential Concepts: Red blood cells, white blood cells, anemia, blood typing, heart anatomy, pulmonary circulation, heart rhythm, EKG, fetal circulation.
Anatomy for Beginners - Circulation Video Worksheet
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Purpose: This episode of the Anatomy for Beginner series, hosted by Dr. Gunther von Hagans, gives students a great overview of both the circulatory and respiratory system. The episode begins with a dissection of the thoracic cavity of a cadaver, culminating with a live inflation of the lungs. The heart is then removed and cut in half to show the different chambers and venous cross. Polymer is injected into the abdominal aorta to show the flow of blood into the digestive organs.
Essential Concepts: Thoracic cavity, lungs, trachea, larynx, bronchi, diaphragm, pleura, heart, pericardium, arteries, veins, atria, ventricles, aorta.
Autopsy Life and Death - Blood Video Worksheet
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Purpose: This episode of the Autopsy Life and Death series, Dr. von Hagans dissects a woman who died of causes related to arteriosclerosis. Multiple other blood and circulation disorders are discussed and demonstrated along the way, including embolism, aneurysm, heart attacks, and hemhorraging into the pericardial space. Dr. von Hagans use a donated cadaver in addition to a series of plastinated models borrowed from the Body Worlds exhibit to explain each disorder in great deal.
Essential Concepts: Circulatory system, heart, arteriosclerosis, aging, thrombosis, embolism, heart attack, ischemia, blockage, anemia.
Heart Rate and Exercise Lab
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Purpose: This is an open-ended lab that students can use to study the effects of variables such as body mass, gender, and height have on the change in pulse rate before and after a short stint of exercise. Students design their own procedure and choose their own variables. The lab provides instructions for collecting and displaying the data.
Essential Concepts: Heart rate, carotid pulse.
Forks Over Knives Movie Worksheet
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Purpose: This is an open-ended lab that students can use to study the effects of variables such as body mass, gender, and height have on the change in pulse rate before and after a short stint of exercise. Students design their own procedure and choose their own variables. The lab provides instructions for collecting and displaying the data.
Essential Concepts: Circulatory system, heart disorders, arteriosclerosis, heart attack, obesity, diet, nutrition.
Cardiovascular System Study Guide
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Purpose: This study guide is a condensed listing of the major vocabulary words from this chapter, along with a set of practice questions and diagrams similar to what might be on a written test. The questions and vocabulary are roughly written in the same order as they appear in the lecture.
Essential Concepts: Red blood cells, white blood cells, anemia, blood typing, heart anatomy, pulmonary circulation, heart rhythm, EKG, fetal circulation.