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Eukaryotes: Protists
Powerpoint Lecture

Eukaryotic cells are much different than prokaryotes. They are larger and have more complex structures called organelles inside. This lecture will cover the five "supergroups" of protists, including excavata, chromalveolata, rhizaria, archaeplastida, and unikonta. Representative examples from each group will be given, including major causes of human disease. Diagrams of the anatomy of the most studied protsts, such as euglena, paramecia, and amoeba, will be given.

Essential concepts: Eukaryotes, organelles, nucleus, autotrophs, heterotrophs, mixtrophs, osmosis, hypertonic, isotonic, hypotonic, excavata, chromalveolata, rhizaria, archaeplastida, unikonta, cilia, flagella, chloroplast, mitochondria, cell wall, pseudopod, unicellular, multicellular, colonial.

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