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Water Pollution Lecture Powerpoint

The first part of this lecture delves into the importance of water, its role in climate, and its distribution around Earth. The accidental creation of the Salton Sea in southern California is used as an example of how water is needed, how it has been manipulated, and some of the unforseen consequences of how we use it. Students will learn about the different reservoirs of water, how they relate to the water cycle, and how we access them. The last section of the lecture focuses on water pollution. Students will distinguish between point and nonpoint sources of all the major types of pollution that will cause impaired waters. Ocean pollution is also covered, with the focus being mainly oil and plastic. Finally, students will learn about the major steps in the water treatment process to reduce the ecological effects of raw sewage. A student notes outline is also available to accompany this Powerpoint lecture.

Essential concepts: Water pollution, hydrologic cycle, water cycle, evaporation, condensation, water budget, water resources, water supply, groundwater, freshwater, saltwater, icebergs, ice caps, glaciers, infiltration, water table, runoff, aquifer, recharge zone, wetlands, water consumption, water degradation, dams, dam construction, water conservation, point sources, nonpoint sources, pcbs, biomagnification, bioaccumulation, sediment, water quality, impaired waters, tap water, bottled water, spring water, water filtration, ozonation, reverse osmosis, distillation, heap leaching, mining, Pacific trash vortex, oil spills, oil tankers, Exxon Valdez, Deepwater Horizon, Oil Pollution Act, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, eutrophication, Clean Water Act.

Test questions: Available for purchase at the environmental science instructor resources subscription page.

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