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Wastewater and Dissolved Oxygen
Data Model Assignment

This is a simple Google Sheets based data model for students to simulate the impacts of temperature, precipitation, and other variables on the dissolved oxygen levels of a fictitious river and lake. The first part of the model simulates a river that runs near a large cattle ranch. Manure runoff from the river impacts dissolved oxygen levels of the river, at rates that very with the seasons. Students can implement primary and secondary treatment to alleviate the problem.

The second part of the model simulates a lake near a growing city. As the population of the city grows, so does the amount of sewage that enters the lake. Students can model the impacts of primary and secondary treatment, as well as changing the size and temperature of the lake.

The model can be accessed here. You will need to save a copy to your own Google drive to edit and use it.

Essential concepts: Eutrophication, runoff, wastewater, water treatment, hypoxia, decomposition.

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