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Environmental Toxins and Human Health
Powerpoint Lecture

This lecture covers both the living and non-living causes of disease in the environment. The first section compares major diseases caused by parasites, bacteria, viruses, and prions. Examples of emerging diseases, such as swine influenza and SARS are discussed. The outbreak of a waterborne parasite in Milwaukee in the early 1990s is used as a case study. Students will also learn about other organic and inorganic toxins, their acute and chronic effects on human health, and how policy makers use risk assessment to set acceptable health levels for these toxins.

Essential concepts: Environmental toxins, disease, emerging disease, zoonosis, bacteria, virus, protozoa, prions, malaria, food bourne illness, teratogens, mutagens, carcinogens, ld50, lethal dose, risk, risk assessment, heavy metals, neurotoxins, endocrine hormone disruptors, toxicity, antibiotic resistance.

Test questions: Available for purchase at the environmental science instructor resources subscription page.

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